Hair and Beauty Salons next on the Council’s Radar

April 13, 2023

Visit to hair and beauty salons turned into a nightmare for some consumers after they were left with a scarring reminder that when the right products and correct procedures are not practiced; they may face the ugly side of the industry. Complaints lodged at the Council recently revealed that some consumers were left in a horrid state as they experienced hair loss, scalp damage and even chemical burns after visiting their hair and beauty salons.

Of the 37 complaints received against hair salons and beauty parlors since last year, a significant number of cases were pertaining to unsatisfactory services while in one of those cases, the consumer suffered burns on her face after waxing. In other cases, hair and beauty salons were found using expired products and products with coded expiry date (Julian Coding).

Random and targeted surveillance by the Council has verified the claims made by consumers; substandard products, products with foreign labelling and expired products are being used by certain hair and beauty salons. For this reason, while the Council will be relentless in holding such businesses accountable, consumers need to be assertive and ensure to examine the product, do some research and ask the right questions before the product is used on them,” said Consumer Council Chief Executive Officer Ms Seema Shandil.

Consumers have right to safe goods and services as well as obtain correct information about the goods and services purchased or used on them. Nonetheless, it is baffling to note that certain neglected in their responsibility and disregarded warning issued by the Council through our social media platforms and awareness programs.

“I do understand that modern-day consumers have a very keen interest in being trendy and fashionable however conducting checks and balances should not be neglected. These incidents highlighted above is a glaring reminder that we as consumers need to be more responsible and assertive,” Ms Shandil said.

Consumers who come across hair salons using expired or products with foreign labelling are encouraged to contact the Council on toll-free number 155 or lodge a complaint using the Consumer Council of Fiji mobile app