Managing events this festive season /wedding season

October 14, 2022

As we are approaching the festive and wedding season, many consumers will be looking to hire event managers/ wedding decorators/ hall or event venues / corporate event decorators etc to accommodate guests and celebrations. Our complaints statistics shows that the Council has received a total of 23 complaints over the past year with the following nature of complaints:

  • Wedding decorators taking deposits but failing to turn up to events;
  • Wedding decorators failing to provide written terms and conditions of services;
  • Event managers delaying refunding consumers upon cancellation of events;
  • Wedding decorators creating hoax Facebook accounts under the pretext of offering decoration services;
  • Venues provided for hire were dirty, unsanitary and not suitable for hosting events;
  • Decorators failing to respond customer calls and follow ups; and
  • Poor customers services provided by event managers.

This festive / wedding season, the Council is urging business to comply with the following:

1. Provide redress. Businesses have the responsibility to provide appropriate redress to those consumers who had to cancel or postpone their planned events due to unforeseen circumstances such as cyclone warnings or deaths in families– which is beyond anyone’s control.

2. Provide correct and full information. Businesses also have the responsibility to provide correct and full information on the type of redresses they will provide to the consumers with an accurate timeline to avoid unnecessary hassle to consumers.

3. Comply to consumer protection laws. Comply to all relevant business regulations and consumer protection laws in the best interest of Fijian consumers.

What to do when you are denied redress?

Consumers coming across unscrupulous traders during this time of crises are encouraged to contact the Council on toll-free number 155 or lodge a complaint using the Consumer Council of Fiji mobile app.