Steamy-sale deals, promotions and discounts – this is what many consumers look forward to when it comes to the festive season. Not just the consumers but the businesses also share the festive spirit as this is one of the busiest times for them; they know that consumers love bargains and special discounts so they have […]
Christmas season is the happiest time for many but can be the busiest and stressful time of the year for many consumers who are looking for bargains to buy groceries, electronic goods, house decorations and gifts for their friends and families, within their budget.
Some second hand dealers have used muscle power or mafia-style tactic to repossess the very vehicles they sell. Thus, the buyer ends up losing not only the vehicle but his money as well.
Buying a second-hand vehicle can be risky – as you may not just suffer financial losses but your safety can be at risk as well.
The second hand vehicle buyers in the past and today continue to face problems, complicated and complex in nature, with regard to sale, services and promises made by second hand dealers. This is sharply reflected in the complaints received by the Council over the years.