Complaints against ABS accumulator dealers on the rife!

March 3, 2021

The Consumer Council of Fiji is imploring consumers to exercise due diligence when purchasing Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) accumulators, particularly from social media platforms or online traders. This plea comes after the Council has noted an increase in the number of complaints received from consumers who have purchased ABS accumulators from certain unscrupulous online traders.

The Council’s investigations reveal that most of the traders involved in the retailing of these inferior -quality ABS accumulators operate their business using social media platforms particularly Facebook. The Council has also noted that majority of the consumers who were duped had purchased their accumulators from traders based in the Narere to Nakasi corridor.

“The Council has received a total of 29 complaints in 2020 alone which is a concern for us because these accumulators do not come cheap and are being sold between the price range of $650 – $2,000 and come with either short warranty periods or no warranty at all. We have also received complaints where consumers have informed the Council that accumulators purchased did not even last a day. What also worries the Council is that once these unscrupulous traders sell off the faulty accumulators, they have a tendency to ignore all calls made by the consumers and the Council seeking redress,” said Council’s CEO Ms. Shandil.

Ms. Shandil further added that the Council cannot place enough emphasis on the need for consumers to exercise caution when dealing with online traders. Consumers should only engage with reputable traders who are known for providing quality products with warranty coverage. It is also imperative that consumers verify the physical location of the traders to ensure they are able to correspond in case of any malfunctions or defects in the products.

The Council, at the same time, is cautioning those traders involved in these shoddy practices to exercise ethical trade practices. The Council will come out strongly against those traders who fail to take heed of the Council’s warning.

Consumers who are faced with similar complaints are encouraged to contact the Council on the toll-free line 155 or lodge a complaint through the Consumer Council of Fiji mobile app, which can be downloaded via Google Play Store.