Unethical Practices Must Stop – Council

July 8, 2022

The Consumer Council of Fiji (CCoF) is flabbergasted by the recent incident whereby a pharmacy sold an expired baby rash cream to a parent which allegedly caused a skin reaction when applied on the baby.

The consumer has lodged a complaint with the Council and during investigations, the pharmacy in question revealed that the expired baby product was retailed due to human error and not intentionally.

CCoF Chief Executive Officer Ms Seema Shandil says pharmacies provide an essential service which affects the health of people – let alone children. Hence, maintaining the best business practices is crucial in this sector and anything less must not be condoned.

“The Council expects a higher standard of service and control measures in our pharmacies – especially as minute errors may place the health and safety of consumers at risk which has been clearly demonstrated by the recent case. Pharmacies or any other businesses for that matter cannot hide behind the excuse of human errors – expired products should never be found on their shelves,” stated Ms Shandil.

The Council is also urging consumers to exercise their responsibility of critical awareness and always check the expiration date of medications or any other products during purchase. If consumers come across any pharmacy engaging in such practices, they must immediately notify the Council.