Make Your Voices Count: Council Urges Consumers

July 6, 2022

In line with the recent call for submission by the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission (FCCC) on the review of taxi fares, the Consumer Council of Fiji (CCoF) is encouraging all consumers to make their voices count by submitting their views on the proposed fare increase.

As the only consumer advocacy organization in Fiji, the Council has already made a submission to FCCC and will be making a second submission on the proposed fare increase – in the interest of Fijian consumers. However, it is also important for individual consumers to share what their views are and how the proposed increase will have implications on them.

CCoF Chief Executive Officer Ms. Seema Shandil says that one of the fundamental consumer responsibilities is solidarity – to organize together as consumers to develop the strength and influence to promote and protect their interests.

“By making such submissions, consumers will ensure that their views are taken into account before a decision is made by the competition regulator and also enables them to participate in the decision-making process. This will warrant holistic, fair, and inclusive views in the decision-making process especially as it affects ordinary Fijians,” said Ms Shandil.

For any queries, consumers are encouraged to call the toll-free number 155. Alternatively, consumers can also lodge complaints using the Consumer Council of Fiji mobile app and the complaint portal on the Council website.