Apart from checking and inspecting a vehicle physically, do you check for any encumbrance or third party interest over the vehicle prior to its purchase?
Hundreds suffer from vehicle accidents annually yet they are not fairly compensated for the physical, emotional and psychological stress that they endure. Questions have arisen as to whether anyone really cares about the innocent victims of fatal or near fatal accidents and the loss of lives and livelihoods for the injured or deceased families?
We all know the pain of readjusting ourhousehold budgets topay town/city rates when the New Year begins.Like thousands of ratepayers, 62-year-old Shanti Devi, had also been saving every cent by selling vegetables from her backyard gardening to meet her financial commitments, ensuring she had enough to clear her town rates.
Most of us have to deal with blocked sink pipes, a leaking toilet, a burst washing machine hose, blocked drains orclogged pipes that need fixing immediately. Well, all, you need is a good plumber
Reshma and her sister-in-law, Mamta were residing together when they set up a joint account with a hire purchase company. Mamta used the joint account to buy a brand new Samsung Galaxy phone worth $1884.68 for herself and the understanding was that she will make repayments for her newly purchased phone every month.
Buying perfume is a tradition for some consumers whenever there is a sale. They happily spend quite a bit to own that bottle of perfume which they had been eying for a while.
When you spend your money buying goods or services, no doubt, you deserve the best ‘value’ for the money paid.
Have you ever been in a situation where you purchased a food item from a supermarket, market or a street vendor and it may be out of date, havemould or other foreign objects?
As consumers, we all are exposed to more than a dozen advertisements daily.
When it comes to financial abuse, it has no borders and boundaries as far as gender and age goes. Those who thrive on fraudulent acts do not stop to think that they may be tricking an elderly person who is too fragile to know that he or she is being preyed on by a scammer.
Everyone wishes for a good health and wellbeing.
When a good deal isn’t really real!
It’s that time of the year again when mothers, grandmothers and wives will be showered with gifts, from their children and husbands to express their love and gratitude.
Many of us prefer to buy goods on hire purchase when we don’t have ready cash, be it white goods, furniture or hi-tech electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops or desktops.
“Congratulations! You’ve won! We just need your Social Security number to process your prize! Plus, you need to send us a processing fee! Don’t worry! You’ll love your prize!”